In this episode, I’m exploring how my ADHD is forcing me to rethink the way I work and how embracing my natural tendencies may be the key to growing my business.

Are you working in a way that is truly supportive to your strengths? Or are you still trying to make someone else’s process work for you?

There are definitely ways that you work that are best for you. There are also strategies and techniques to build an impactful business that could yield amazing results for someone else and fall completely flat for you because they don’t highlight your strengths.

In this episode, I’m exploring how my ADHD is forcing me to rethink the way I work and how embracing my natural tendencies may be the key to growing my business.

Are you interested in exploring your own natural tendencies? Here are a few questions to reflect on:

  • Can you identify times in your life when you felt like you really thrived? What was it about those specific experiences that made you feel that you operated at your best? 
  • What are your strengths? Weaknesses?
  • What do you like? Really think about this. Not jus what society has told you to like.
  • Are you someone that needs a detailed plan written out from start to finish or are a few bullet points enough to get you going?
  • Can you identify areas in your life where you really seem to struggle with things or situations that everyone else has deemed as easy?
  • How do you learn best? Are you a visual learner? Auditory? Do you prefer to work hands on?
  • When you sit down to work, what are you drawn to?

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